Skyrise 1 Building, Inez Villa St. IT Park


Kaizen Philosophy


A company that truly believes and follows the Kaizen philosophy, a Japanese philosophy, which focuses on, continues improvement. A philosophy that drives global giants to success like General Electric, Boeing , Pratt and Whitney,  and Toyota. Although these are manufacturing companies, the Kaizen Philosophy does not mainly focuses on Research and development but rather deep within the human core of each and every employee, in which drives them to be self motivated, satisfied and overall loyal to the company.


Kaizen is a learning process as well as a discipline. The kaizen concept places value on the individual as well as collective creativity. The business strategy of kaizen incorporates everyone in the company working together toward continuous – not temporary – improvement.


The philosophy of Kaizen includes the original 5S concept, which helps workers concentrate on an organized work place and standardized work procedures. The five philosophies are: Seiri (Sort) – eliminate unnecessary items for the workplace; Seiton (Set in order) – use efficient and effective storage methods; Seiso (Shine) – thoroughly clean the work area; Seiketsu (Standardize) – ensure that all employees participate in making the best standards; and Seiketsu (Sustain) – define a new status quo and resist the human tendency to return to the old one.


These elements are taught to our employees to create significant effects to their personal lives and as well as their performance in the office. Coaching sessions will be focused on the employee’s improvement both in the office and outside the office. This is not to invade their personal lives but rather to teach them and help them govern themselves towards personal growth. With my own experience, a coaching session usually goes in depth with the employee’s daily schedule to help them rearrange their personal schedule to improve attendance or productivity and inadvertently they open their lives and personal problems. With these reoccurring experiences, I saw that supervisors, managers  and executives need to learn to incorporate the kaizen philosophy to motivate , help, inspire and develop each and every employee effectively, after all businesses are made of people and this is the best way to upgrade people.  We always upgrade technology it is time to upgrade people.